
The construction of an industrial building adapted to your activity

We design and build a wide range of industrial premises, from factories, laboratories and artisan workshops to agri-food production and data centers, on behalf of large corporations as well as SMEs and SMIs.

We understand that building new industrial premises is a key stage in a company's development.

That's why we want to make your job as simple as possible, by offering you customized, turnkey solutions tailored to the nature of your project. 

We approach each project as a collaboration with our customers, in which listening and transparency in which listening and transparency lead to a high value-added industrial project efficient, functional, economical and safe.

Co-designing your project :
a fundamental step at ING2K

We believe that the performance and profitability of an industrial building are directly linked to its suitability for the activity it houses. In order to fully understand your business and all the issues involved in your project, we are committed to you fully involved right from the design stage of your project.

Through ongoing exchanges, this co-design approach proves highly effective in identify additional technical requirements that our customers are not accustomed to formalizing in specifications.

A team dedicated to your project takes charge of the entire construction process, from scheduling the contractors to monitoring progress, and construction costs.. This saves our customers a considerable amount of time, enabling them to concentrate on their company's development strategy.

To guarantee you the highest quality of work, we select partner companies that are qualified and experienced in the most technical fields. Our organizational methods adapts to the specific nature of your processes and your safety requirements.

Design of an industrial building for cheese production in Haute-Savoie.


Renovation and upgrading
of industrial buildings

Projects involving the renovation, extension or requalification of existing buildings account for a growing proportion of our operations in the industrial sector. Whether you're an investor looking for a new tenant for your premises, or a company looking to modernize its facilities, we can support you in the rehabilitation of all types of industrial buildings, including occupied sites.

Whatever your needs, we can help you to identify priority work items to improve the performance of your facility and employees' working conditions. Whether you need to refurbish workspaces, modernize facilities, change activity, renovate energy consumption or bring older premises up to standard, we are committed to implementing the most appropriate solutions, in line with your budgetary constraints.

Operate a sustainable industrial building

At ING2K, we are committed to working towards building more sustainable and eco-responsible industrial buildings. While sustainability frequently refers to the environmental impact of construction, it also means being able to exploit its full potential for as long as possible.

Each project, whether new or renovation, is studied in its entirety.
Our aim is to respond as effectively as possible both to your company's growth needs and to the various challenges of sustainable development.

On a day-to-day basis, we study aspects as varied as they are essential to sustainable construction: 


  • the quest for energy efficiency;
  • the use of renewable energy sources;
  • harmonious architectural integration of the project;
  • improving working conditions for employees;
  • Reducing noise and visual nuisance to neighbors;
  • anticipating the company's needs: adaptable and/or removable layouts.